A Wild Gold & White Affair

Tiny Tinay's Chika Corner
Aug 25 2007 Mini-Reunion
A Wild Gold & White Affair
USTHSAAA Announcement (Phil) - May 2007
2007 Kamustahan. . .
Mini-Reunion 2007 - USA
GK Pasayaw ng USTE
GAH 2003 - Phil.
GAH 2003 - USA
UST Campus


Now it can be told!
The University of Santo Tomas' university-wide Grand Alumni Homecoming 2008 has been officially set for February 16, 2008. This will be held at the grounds of the UST campus, focusing mostly on the Arch of the Century, the Rizal Lane, the Benavides Monument, the Plaza Mayor, the Main Building and the Quadricentennial Square.
To be co-hosted by the UST High School, UST College of Engineering, UST College of Pharmacy and (possibly) UST College of Education.
A university-wide Grand Alumni Homecoming that aims to be different, to be more festive, to promote greater bonds of kinship and to foster greater fellowship among Thomasians, and to make a major impact to Thomasians worldwide.
Working hand-in-hand to make this event  an event that Thomasians will be extremely proud of are the UST High School and the College of Engineering.
We will carry the colours of our alma mater: Gold and White! And remember once again how it feels to be a true Thomasian.
It will be bold and daring, yet beautiful in its simplicity. Casual yet elegant. Laidback yet graceful.
This is your wake-up call: Thomasians Unite!
Leebai Esquivias-Gamboa, USTHS Batch 78 
Vice President, USTHS Alumni Association Inc.
Chairman, Organizing Committee -