Minutes: May 12, 2007
Tiny Tinay's Chika Corner
Aug 25 2007 Mini-Reunion
A Wild Gold & White Affair
USTHSAAA Announcement (Phil) - May 2007
2007 Kamustahan. . .
Mini-Reunion 2007 - USA
GK Pasayaw ng USTE
GAH 2003 - Phil.
GAH 2003 - USA
UST Campus

Planning Team Meeting

USTHS Batch ‘78 30th Year Reunion (US)

May 12, 2007, 1:45 PM



v     Gawad-Kalinga

Ø      Reynald reported that we have sufficient funds to make the Gawad Kalinga (GK) donation.

Ø      Donation: Funds intended for the Bookworm project will be donated to GK instead.

Ø      Helen will call Mon Nadres Batch ’71 to ask about a direct contact number for GK so Batch ’78 can donate directly. Helen will email the Committee about her conversation with Mon. 

Ø      Jackie will find out any GK info. from Clem.


v     2008 Date & Location

Ø      Save the Date Announcement – Email,  Postcards

Ø      General Location – Las Vegas

Ø      DATE:  April 26, 2008

Ø      Semi-formal


v     Planning Team Members

  • Helen P.; Daisy; Margie T-M.; Reynald T.; Mike M.;  Val G.; Jackie S.;Tina R.
  • Former planning team members who were unable to attend are still welcome to participate (Lina, Tibo, Ferdie, Lito, Marissa, Janet, Clem).
  • Meeting was held at Isla Filipina.
  • The main goal of this meeting is to delegate different responsibilities for the organization of the 2008 event (US).
  • We need to coordinate with the USTHSAAA to make sure our party doesn’t coincide with the current silver jubilarians’ party. Helen will contact USTHSAAA officers about this.
  • Responsibilities:
    1. Invitation –
    2. Hotel Coordinator (Food/logistics)– Margie T. and Jackie S.
    3. Photography & Video – Reynald T. and Mike M.
    4. Souvenir Program –
    5. Fundraising Raffle Gifts Solicitor – Cristina R.
    6. Event Program Coordinator (DJ/Performances – Cristina R.  and Val G.
    7. Registration (Seating Arrangement/Collection of tickets) – Daisy V.
    8. Financial Coordinator (P.O. Box)- Reynald T. and Helen P
    9. Directory Update – Helen P.
    10. Reporter- Tinay


  • Next meeting will be on August 25th at Daisy V’s house, at 3 p.m.
  • Helen P. will email the minutes to all members of the Planning Committee.





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