The Reemergence of USTHS Batch 78

Tiny Tinay's Chika Corner
Aug 25 2007 Mini-Reunion
A Wild Gold & White Affair
USTHSAAA Announcement (Phil) - May 2007
2007 Kamustahan. . .
Mini-Reunion 2007 - USA
GK Pasayaw ng USTE
GAH 2003 - Phil.
GAH 2003 - USA
UST Campus

April 27, 2007.

It was another night to remember...

Not only was it a true fellowship among USTHS Batch 78ers, but the night also signalled the start of many things to come for Batch 78.

As announced, we are now in the process of registering USTHS Batch78 as an organization with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Immediately thereafter, a bank account will be opened which will house any and all funds that Batch 78 will be able to generate from the activities that are currently in the planning stage.

Even as the registration was yet to be done, and the bank account to be opened, we had already been able to generate some funds : we ended the night with Batch 78 getting "richer" by 16k pesos in cash and 68k pesos in pledges. The pledges will be deposited direct to the bank account. The account name and number will be posted on our egroups and advised via SMS blast as soon as available.

Attached is the slides presentation used for the night, which highlights:

VISION: USTHS Batch78 is an organization that takes care of its own, from now until our grandchildren are born

MISSION: *employment to out-of-work Batch78ers; *medical, financial, spiritual assistance to 78ers; *networking within Batch 78

SOCIO-CIVIC ACTIVITIES: *possible scholarship to Batch 78 offsprings; *Gawad Kalinga; *Bantay-Bata; *etc

FUND RAISING ACTIVITIES: bowling tourny, badminton tourny, golf tourny, ballroom dancing, mini-concert; poker night, bingo social, mahjong marathion, Xmas Party, Out-Of-Town Overnight Trip after GAH 2008

Stand by for more updates, Batchmates!

Batch 78 has been revived, reenergized and recharged! And we're here for the long haul!


Leebai Esquivias-Gamboa

USTHS78 Official Website