Phil Reunion Chronicles

Tiny Tinay's Chika Corner
Aug 25 2007 Mini-Reunion
A Wild Gold & White Affair
USTHSAAA Announcement (Phil) - May 2007
2007 Kamustahan. . .
Mini-Reunion 2007 - USA
GK Pasayaw ng USTE
GAH 2003 - Phil.
GAH 2003 - USA
UST Campus


Hello Everyone


Heres a play-by-play kuwento of the Phil. Reunion from my perspective (although pasensiya na kayo if I missed anything dahil hilo pa ako sa jetlag, as I write this, or I was having too much fun going around at the event).


We got to the Westin Philippine Plaza Ballroom in time for a few minutes of his and hellos.  Registration was a breeze with current USTHS faculty assisting everyone coming in.  We thought they were USTHS students because they all look bagets, Leebais term for the young ones of course, kasama tayong 78ers doon.  Even Fr. Funelas, the current USTHS Rector, is also bagets this I realized after meeting him a few days later during a visit at USTHS.


His and hellos from those who were there before the Mass include Cecille Basco, Gerry Catama, Gina Obligacion, Raquel Nazario, Bernadette Villacorta, Tina Canda, Angelita Elepano, Maribel Cusi, David Mercado, Rina and Liza Ordonez, Wattie Reyes-Molina.  (Sorry if I missed anyone and I dont know the married names of most of the ladies).


Leebai (Esquivias-Gamboa), the lead emcee from our Silver Jubilarian batch, was joined by Mr. Gus Nilo (58, Sapphire Jubilarian) and Mr. Bob Montano (68, Coral Jubilarian).  Di obvious na nervous si Leebai, in fact, she sounded like shes been doing hosting gigs for a while.  She didnt even look like she had pre-event jitters when we saw her at the Hotel Café earlier that day.  Great job, Leebai!


The sexbomb dance number was well-applauded and cheered on.  Im sure it took some time to practice their medley of dances from the 70s.  They sure can move and proud ako sa mga beauties ninyo, my ka-tribong 78.  Ill see if I got most of it on video.


Of course, di patatalo ang other alum from 53, 63, 67 and 87 represented by a sariling atin song from Mr. Romeo Jacobo, a fashion show of USTHS girls uniform and dance number from the ladies of batch 63 (Menchie Ereneta, Juris Telmo, Myrna Hilario and two others still unnamed), music from the Oldies 67 band and an Elvis Presley number.  We are all proud of everyone who showcased their talents to entertain us all.


The Hagibis number from the boys of 78 was especially entertaining, with the encouraging cheers and tilih-s from the 78 ladies.  The SM beers during their practice sessions worked.  Hope someone had a complete video of it.


Janet (Macabasco) Basco, billed as the jewel of 78, lived up to the anticipation from everyone.  It was great to see her outside and usher her in to let the reunion organizers know that she has arrived as a special guest.  She sang a medley of 70s songs and an encore medley of fun Filipino songs.  No hesitation on Neils (Obligacion) part when Janet asked for a male 78er to join her on the floor, as she serenades him with a song.  Shes come a long way from when we used to ask her to sing for us in our school bus during our first or second year.  She was always glad to oblige us with a song or two during a birthday of one of our classmates, kaya escapo na kami sa lessons whenever she sang.


Being the host batch for the event, all 78ers made the loudest noise during the batch call.  Thanks to the help of those party poppers/pakulong noisemakers, we werent a rowdy bunch (not!)


Finally, the presentation of The Mission was one of the best parts of the evening.  Maka-tindig balahibo and Im very proud of our batch for that presentation.  Describing will not do it justice as they presented it.  The next best thing to seeing it in person would be to watch a video of it, so abangan niyo ang video when it becomes available.  Kudos to Dr. Merly Awit who suggested that number and to all the performers, all 78ers.  I heard they already have been asked to do an encore performance at the Alumni Awards night in March.  Hurray for batch 78!!!


As you can see, there was a full program of entertainment numbers, so getting up was hard if you did not want to miss anything.  But that was the only way I had a chance to say hi to other batchmates like Beth Edjawan (a dear classmate from UST Elementary), Jovie Valencia, Janet Macabasco (aka Janet Basco), Vilma Abenojar, Rosemarie Fulloso, Cariring Walse, Dr. Merly Awit, Gigie Galang, Lynn Mistica, Gogo Concepcion (a fellow-balikbayan), Nini Abriol, Dr. Danny Poblete, Joey Sarmiento, Rene Guatlo, Raul Battallones (a balikbayan from Australia), Seth Pangan, Joey Cruz, Dr. Bing Molano, Angelo Martinez and Bernie Lavares.  Bilib ako sa mga ka-tribong 78, we must have occupied 7 or 8 tables.  As youll see on the pictures, there wasnt enough room on the stage when our batch pictures were being taken. 


It was also a great delight to see Ms. Manapat, Ms. Casas, Ms. Cruz, Mrs. Roda, Mrs. Collantes and Mrs. Abarquez.  The tribute to these long-time teachers led by the Alumni Board of Directors was well deserved.  The additional time I spent chatting with Ms. Casas, Ms. Manapat and Mrs. Roda a few days later was well worth my visit to the USTHS facility.  Ms. Manapat was right about feeling young when she sees her former students visit.  They (the teachers) all didnt look a day older than I remember them.


Others I recognized but didnt get a chance to say hi to include: Beth Mendiola, Arlene Rosales, Hermie Pangilinan, Malou Guererro, Mila Sering, Amparo Ortega, Ruth Ora, Eric Monte, Rey Mesa, Eileen Danganan, Neil Obligacion, Obie de Leon and Felix de Leon.  My apologies to those ka-tribong 78 beauties and guapos whom I didnt recognize.  I tried reviewing our Veritas pero cramming doesnt work with my brain anymore so, sorry mga kapatid.


Thanks to Wattie for bringing all the Veritas copies we ordered for those of us in the U.S. and Canada. Thanks to Cecille and Nini for keeping Mike, my jetlagged hubby, entertained while I went around taking a video and pictures.  Tina, thanks, for acknowledging my hubbys love and devotion (kanta yon ah) na kahit pikit na ang mga mata, nakaupo pa rin, until we danced to a few songs (belated Valentines celebration naman namin yon).


Congratulations to all 78ers who participated in planning the event.  More power to all of you and the USTHS Alumni Board.  I hope we continue communications among the ka-tribong 78 and find others still unaccounted for.  To those who missed the event, I can only say - it was well worth the jetlag from traveling thousands of miles away.  I hope that I am able to convey how much fun and uplifting it was that everyone would consider visiting our old stomping grounds and assist in providing whatever support we can to our alma mater.  Keep the Thomasian spirit alive and the Fire glowing for all fellow batchmates everywhere!


Your very proud fellow 78er,

Helen Panaligan-Crist




USTHS78usa Official Website